Programme Content:
The app covers simple and effective strategies to build habits, reduce conflict, and support positive parenting practise. 12 modules, including introductory and closing sessions address:
Parental self-care and stress reduction
One-on-one time
Praise and positive reinforcement
Positive instructions
Managing stress
Family budgeting
Consequences and accepting responsibility
Problem solving
Teen safety
Dealing with crisis
Celebration and next steps
Reinforcing positive parenting:
The app guides caregivers through 12 interactive workshop modules and includes scheduled messages of praise, reminders to relax, suggestions for family activities, and encouraging check-ins that aim to keep parents engaged. Caregivers can log positive parenting behaviours through a habit-tracking tool called ParentPoints. App users can customise their experience by entering their preferred name, configuring their unique family makeup, and opting to use the app as an individual or within a group setting. The ParentLibrary provides on-demand resources which includes contact information for local support services and additional assistance on topics like coping with grief and COVID-19.
Built-In Monitoring and Evaluation:
An integrated M&E system is built into the user experience of the app. It tracks user engagement, retention and outcomes such as positive parenting, child maltreatment, parenting stress, parent self-efficacy and child behaviour problems at baseline and endline.