Generate Updates October - November 2022

Reporting by Hannah Clark

jamie at homestart conference

Dr Jamie Lachman at the Home-Start Worldwide Conference

The last two months have seen a lot of successes for Parenting for Lifelong Health (PLH). Firstly, PLH has received charitable status in the UK from the Charities Commission for England and Wales. We are also excited to share the recruitment of two new Trustee's: Bahbak Miremadi from Elephant Healthcare and Toyin Olakanpo from LUMOS. Secondly, PLH took a huge step forward by landing their first two projects in partnership with the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children, a project focused on learning about national scale-up of parenting programmes in Kenya and Uganda, and the Pan American Health Organisation, a project focused on mapping parenting programmes in Latin American and the Caribbean. In addition, we are well on our way to securing a third project partnership with UNICEF in Cambodia, which will focus on the design and deployment of the RapidPro based parenting chatbot 'ParentText'. 
Behind the scenes our team has been working on forming a strategic work plan between Global Initiative to Support Parents (GISP) partners by representing PLH at their in-person meetings. We also put PLH's best foot forward at the reSHAPE event, which focuses on the great things Oxford University's external ventures are achieving in the world. In addition, our chairperson, Professor Lucie Cluver, presented at The Human Safety Network (THSN) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) conference in Venice and presented on parenting and PLH at USAID internal learning group. Meanwhile, our CEO Professor Jamie Lachman represented PLH at Home Start Worldwide Conference in Malta. Jamie and Lucie also represented PLH at the THSN Networks 2022 meeting in Venice where they shared about PLH’s experience with transformative partnerships and working with the private sector.