Determinants of violence across lives and generations: Four decades of longitudinal research in Brazil

Event details

Interpersonal violence has enormous costs for individuals, families, society, and economies. Low- and middle-income countries have the highest rates of violence, especially in Latin America, but longitudinal research on violence is rare in those settings.
The Pelotas Birth Cohort Studies are four of the largest and longest running longitudinal studies in the Global South, including 20 thousand children followed since their births in 1982, 1993, 2004, and 2015.

This hybrid seminar will present the methodology of these studies, and findings on life-course determinants and consequences of violence in the home and community. Childhood exposure to violence is a major influence on developmental outcomes, including
mental health problems and risk for violence in the next generation.

However, compounding early childhood adversity, other social experiences during the transition to adulthood play a significant role in driving youth violence in Brazil, including socioeconomic inequality, an ineffective criminal justice system, and links
to international drug markets.


Online attendance:

Click here to join the seminar virtually on Teams.

Meeting ID: 358 160 166 408

Passcode: i3hR5F


In-person attendance:

VBR room, Centre for Evidence-Based Intervention,

Department of Social Policy and Intervention,

Barnett House, University of Oxford,

32 Wellington Square, Oxford, UK


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Headshot of fair-skinned man with dark brown hair and glasses.

Joseph Murray is Professor of Life-course Epidemiology at the Postgraduate Programme in Epidemiology, and Director of the Human Development and Violence Research Centre (DOVE), at the Federal University of Pelotas in Brazil. His research focuses on life-course determinants, consequences, and prevention of violence. He co-directs the 2015 Pelotas Birth Cohort Study, following 4 275 children in southern Brazil.