WHO guidelines on parenting interventions to prevent maltreatment and enhance parent–child relationships with children aged 0–17 : Report of the reviews for the WHO-INTEGRATE framework


Gardner, F., Shenderovich, Y., McCoy, A., Schafer, M., Martin, M., Janowski, R. et al.


This set of reviews addresses questions about the societal implications of parenting interventions, based on the WHO-INTEGRATE evidence to decision framework (Rehfuess et al., 2019). This evidence, will inform the WHO Guideline on Parenting Programmes to Prevent Child Maltreatment and Promote Positive Development in Children aged 0-17 Years. It will allow the Guideline Group to contextualise the main evidence of effectiveness from the systematic reviews, in the light of broader questions about acceptability, balance of benefit and harms, feasibility, and societal, economic, equity and human rights implications of parenting interventions. We use a combination of approaches to review the evidence including systematic, mixed-methods, qualitative, and narrative reviews of quantitative and qualitative primary studies, human rights based-analysis, and overviews of existing reviews.


Keywords: Parenting, Child Maltreatment, Guidelines


Link: https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/documents/violence-prevention/who-integrate-reviews-for-who-parenting-guideline-jan-27th-2023.pdf?sfvrsn=7f96ae56_3