ParentApp for Teens in Tanzania Updates September - November 2022

Reporting by Ashlin Simpson


September 2022

There have been some exciting developments for ParentApp for Teens in September, with baseline data collection being completed for the pilot study. 101 users were onboarded and are using the app with post-test data collection and qualitative interviews to begin shortly. Additionally, the trial registration for ParentApp’s optimisation study, a cluster randomised factorial trial, was approved with the Pan African Clinical Trial Registry and final preparations for the study are underway. 

ParentApp Research Officer Lauren Baerecke also presented at the Sexual Violence Research Initiative Forum in Cancun, Mexico on 22 September. Her presentation titled ‘A parenting app to prevent child sexual abuse and family violence: early learnings and future directions’ was well received with dynamic audience engagement.

October 2022

New skin for ParentApp

New skin for ParentApp

We are excited to announce that ParentApp for Teens has released the new skin of ParentApp! There are two key differences between this version of the app and the previous, starting with the way the workshops are structured. In this version of the app, workshops are in a modular format which allows the user to pick any of the 12 workshop modules as opposed to a weekly format where each workshop needs to be completed before moving on to the next workshop topic. The second big change is the move away from the blue blob characters to more human-like characters. 

Piloting: The team has completed qualitative data collection with the users of the app who showed low engagement, and further qualitative data collection continues with those who have engaged well with the app. Post-test surveys are well underway with piloting participants, with 95% of users on the last session of the programme. 

Optimisation: One of our trainers from CWBSA was able to conduct an in-person training in preparation for the Optimisation Study taking place in Tanzania. The facilitators were very happy to have the training in-person and to have Sussie with them. The training went incredibly well and provided further insight and critical in-depth feedback from the field. Optimisation study recruitment has begun and onboarding for participants is ongoing in Mwanza. Onboarding for participants using the first skin is complete, and recruitment for participants who will be using the new modular skin continues for the rest of this month. The Protocol manuscript for the Optimisation phase has been submitted for publishing. 

Trial: The Oxford ethics application was submitted and we’ve already received feedback. We are expecting to submit the Tanzania ethics application within the next week, followed by the UCT ethics application. NIMR has hired two new staff, Mr Gervas Onduru, a postdoctoral Researcher, and Ms Kiya Nyalali, a doctoral student. 




November 2022

Ending our year off on a high note, we have now completed qualitative data collection for our pilot, and over 500 participants have installed ParentApp for the upcoming RCT.

Piloting: Qualitative data collection is now complete, with  22 pilot participants in Mwanza having been interviewed. Transcription and analysis will continue early next year. Post-test surveys with piloting participants who have completed the last session of the programme are almost complete. A mid-term review of implementation has been held where all partners shared successes, challenges  and learnings - which we will take into consideration as we move into the next phase of the RCT.

Optimisation: Two of our research team had a successful fieldwork visit to Tanzania.
Over 500 participants, in 16 clusters, have successfully installed ParentApp for Teens on their mobile device. Recruitment is ongoing and programme delivery is planned to begin in the near future. 

Trial: Both Oxford and Tanzania ethics applications have been submitted and awaiting feedback, thereafter the UCT ethics application will be submitted.