Growing Strong Together: A Parenting Program to Support the Reintegration of Children and Prevent their Recruitment


International Rescue Committee, The Alliance



This Intervention Package aims at supporting practitioners to roll out and implement parenting intervention to protect children, and adolescents and young persons (8-21 years) from recruitment and promote their reintegration following association with armed forces or armed groups.

If you would like to implement parenting interventions in CAAFAG contexts, these resources are for you, to help you understand your context, implement the sessions with parents/caregivers and to accompany the facilitators in the process!

The Intervention Package contains a comprehensive resource pack informed by formative research findings in consultations with girls, boys and parents, a desk review of over 100 relevant resources and input from country facing child protection staff and CAAFAG TF members.


Keywords: Child recruitment, Conflict,Armed forces, and armed groups, Family, Child wellbeing, Mental health