GPI & Universiti Putra Malaysia team meets with KEMAS to introduce GPI study Parenting Within the Preschool System in Malaysia

GPI KEMAS Malaysia meeting

On 26th January, 2023, researchers from Malaysian Naungan Kasih Positive Parenting and GPI, including Professor Dr Rumaya Juhari, from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) visited the Office of Department of Community Development (KEMAS), Ministry of Rural and Regional Development at Putrajaya.

The research team was welcomed by Hon. Mr Ahmad Kamal Idris Mohd Nawawi, Director General of KEMAS, Ms. Anisah Saidin, Head of the Department of Early Childhood Education, KEMAS and their other team members.

The visit introduced an action plan for the implementation of the study “Parenting Within Preschool System: Optimisation and Scale-Up of Human-Digital Playful Parenting Programmes within the Malaysian Preschool System” to KEMAS. As KEMAS is a key agency handling the preschool education system across Malaysia, close collaboration will facilitate the sustainability of the intended parenting programme, and help in building upon their existing initiatives in promoting parental involvement in children’s lives.